Splunk v6.4.4 from ova for vmware my expirience: 1. Download OVA from https://www.splunk.com/ after the registration process. 2. Deployed OVA to Esxi 3. Start vmachine 4. First log in l:splunkadmin p:changeme 5. Log in as root --> su p:changemenow 5a. run firt time as root command -> slpunk start and read all and confirm 'y' plus enter. 6. you must change Ip address -> vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 if you want static you must add. Default is set dhcp. BOOTPROTO=none IPADDR= NETMASK= # /etc/init.d/network restart 7. you must change gateway vi /etc/sysconfig/network -> add line GATEWAY= # /etc/init.d/network restart 8. next >splunk restart 9. If you want change webserver you must add line in (default is set> splunk-launch.conf SPLUNK_BINDIP= 10. next >splunk restart 11. you can change port default is set 8000 12. in you webbrownswer enter 13. username:admin password: changeme you will ask to change password. you can press "skip" 14. teraz konfiguracja poprzez www --> dodawanie co ma nasluchiwać, na jakich portach, jak wyswietlac... no i dodanie forwarderow na maszynach kóre mają byś obrabiane przez splunka. http://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/6.5.2/admin/Webconf